How to Barbell Squat Guide

How to Squat The squat is often performed incorrectly.

After reading this guide you'll know how to back squat.   Setting up for the squat The first part of this guide will be about how to Squat

How to Squat

 The squat is often performed incorrectly. After reading this guide you'll know how to back squat.

 Setting up for the squat

The first part of this guide will be about how to set up for the squat. I’ll explain where the bar should be positioned, hands width, elbow position, bracing, getting tight, walking the bar out and creating full-body tension.

 Bar position

There are two basic bar positions on the back squat, high bar, and low bar. With the high bar squat, the bar rests on the traps, while the low bar squat rest on the rear delts.  

The biggest thing to avoid while positioning the bar for the high bar squat is to make sure it’s on the traps and not on the neck.  Having the bar too high is generally the reason people have sore necks after squatting. With the low bar squat, some people get on the shoulder blades. That generally comes from letting the bar rest directly on the spine of the scapulae. Just slightly moving the bar up or down of the scapula should remove the problem. People who have shoulder problems and lack the mobility to have the bar that low without pain are better off using the high bar position. The low bar causes a slightly more forward lean low bar than the high bar squat.

With Regards
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